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Transition and Induction

Preparing for A Level Success

During the summer immediately after the GCSE exams Year 11 students should start looking ahead to the next stage of their education and begin to prepare for A Level transition. Starting Sixth Form studies is an exciting time and we would like students to look at their chosen subjects and begin preparing for a successful start.

All the transition work for the A Level subjects is made available to download during the summer. The learning tasks help consolidate subject content, develop key skills, prepare students for their first topics in each A Level subject, and suggest areas for wider reading. There are no expectations for the work to be completed but we do recommend that all students do as much as possible.

Start of the Academic Year

If you have been offered a place at TWGSB, met the entry requirements and accepted your place on Results Day, you will be advised of the date to start Sixth Form (Wednesday 4th September for 2024). You will need to arrive at 08:30 on that first day in business dress (see Sixth Form Dress Code) ready for our induction programme (see below). Lessons will begin the following day.


At TWGSB, we carry out a series of activities to support the students in making a successful transition into Sixth Form life and studies. This includes study skills sessions on the first day of term and team-building activities in the first weeks (including a trip to Bewl Water, Thursday 12th September 2024), focusing on making strong working relationships with their peers and understanding how to approach the challenges and demands of A Level studies.

Furthermore, we hold an information evening for parents in the first term (Thursday 17th October for 2024), which provides the opportunity to discuss the plans for the year ahead and how parents can best support their son/daughter in achieving their potential at A Level. The evening includes information on the assessment cycle for the year and what the data means; the behaviour changes for successful independent study; guidance for UCAS and future pathways; and pastoral and well-being guidance for managing the pressures of Year 12. Sixth Form life is quite different from studying further down in the school and the purpose of the evening is to set out clear expectations from the outset, as well as to present the opportunities available to our students.

Preparation Work for Starting Sixth Form 2024