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The Parent and Teachers Association (PTA) has two key purposes: to fundraise to provide much-needed additional monies to support our students, and to create a community for our parents, carers and staff.

We run a number of social events each year, which offer the opportunity to raise money for the school. So far this academic year we have agreed to fund some furniture for the new Sixth Form Centre, laptops for all years, books for both libraries and outdoor table tennis tables for both campuses. This is only possible through the support we receive from the staff, students, parents and friends of the school.

Getting Involved

We recognise that there are huge demands on everyone’s time and so there are a number of ways that you can support the PTA. These range from buying event tickets, donating raffle and auction prizes, or helping out at events for an hour or two on an ad hoc basis. Alternatively, you may have a specific skill or interest that you would be willing to volunteer. For those who would like to get more involved, we have a number of sub-committees whose focus is to arrange each of our bigger events, and there is a main committee which oversees all the PTA activities and which determines the allocation of the funds raised.

Without your help we cannot raise funds to benefit your children so please help if you can. If you would like further information, or to find out how you can get involved, please email us at

Monetary Donations

To make it possible for those who wish to help the PTA but are unable due to constraints on their time we also have put together a form attached HERE (and available below) with our bank details. To make regular payments please follow these steps:

  1. Decide how much you want to pay each month.
  2. Contact your bank or use your online banking and ask for your payments to be credited by way of standing order to: Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys PTA
    Lloyds Bank, Tunbridge Wells,
    P O Box 1000, BX1 1LTL 
    Account Number 01777311  ♦  Sort Code 30-98-77
  3. Once you have set up the payments if you are eligible for gift aid please then fill out the form and send us a copy to so we can claim gift aid on your donation.

A very big thank you to those of you who already make contributions to the school’s PTA.

Matched Funding

If you are currently working and volunteer on a stall at one of our events, then it is always worth checking with your employer whether they have a matched funding policy. Any money you raise on the stall could be matched by your employer, so we double our income! Please contact the PTA if you would like to know more about this scheme.

Second-hand Uniform

The PTA sells second-hand uniform and you can request items during term time by emailing us at (Tunbridge Wells) or  (Sevenoaks). We will confirm whether we have the item in stock and its price, and it can then be collected from school. We also try to sell the uniform at our main events but this is only possible if we have volunteers available to sell it.


PTA Committee

Chair: Nanine Pollatos

Vice-Chair: Lisa Angel

Secretary: Andrea McDonnell

Treasurer: Coral Martin

PTA-run Christmas fairs