Careers Leader: Mr M Smith
At TWGSB we are committed to the continuous development of our Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme. We measure and evaluate the impact of our careers programme by using The Careers and Enterprise Company's Compass tool on an annual basis. This is a nationally recognised quality award for the provision of CEIAG within an institution. The school regularly reviews its CEIAG offer against the eight 'Gatsby' benchmarks using the CODE framework in the QiCS award. We continue to build links with local employers, and are proud of our work and association with local employers. We are a member of the West Kent Enterprise Advisors Network.
Since September 2020, the school has given all students access to Unifrog. This is a powerful careers and destination platform, where students are able to:
For further information, please contact Mr Smith, and see the website links below.
At Key Stage 3, students are involved in understanding and developing enterprising skills in the 21st century, investigating the local economy and LMI, challenging workplace stereotypes, investigating qualifications and making appropriate choices for GCSE. Assemblies and a parent and pupil information evening on choosing options are also provided. Drop-down days are also used to deliver content, including an enterprise day for Year 9 involving the creation of a new product, which is then presented in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ format.
At Key Stage 4, pupils continue research into careers and pathways into the Sixth Form and higher education. They develop skills in CV and application form writing, learn how to create a career plan, and understand the qualifications framework beyond GCSE. In Year 11 they start to learn about developing workplace relationships, including the importance of rapport and effective emotional intelligence. Year 10 complete a week’s work experience during RED Week, with all students who can’t self-arrange guaranteed a place with a local business. This is supported by the strong and ongoing relationship between the school and EBP Kent.
At Key Stage 5, a series of careers lectures are delivered by universities and employers. Some of these lectures, together with form time, are devoted to the topic of UCAS applications and interview skills. There are also UCAS evenings, student finance evenings and apprenticeship events.
In addition, Year 12 has a week of self-arranged work experience, where students develop skills in writing prospective applications and developing initial relationships. There is a strong tradition of success in the national Young Enterprise competition.
The school works in partnership with The Skinners’ School and Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School on a biannual careers fair on rotation between the schools, with TWGSB focusing on the organisation of firms in Engineering, Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Architecture, Business, Accountancy, Insurance, Banking and Finance and IT. Click here for more information.