TWGSB Connect is a fantastic resource for all our alumni and former staff – an online community bringing everyone together via one website. TWGSB Connect aims to connect with former students and staff of the school in an effort to build long lasting relationships, continuing to uphold the strong ties that make TWGSB the community that it is. We place tremendous value on maintaining contact with former students and staff as they give inspiration to current students and staff alike and we appreciate that friendships formed during your school days can last a lifetime or easily be re-connected again many years later.
- Within TWGSB Connect you can Network with your former peers
- Find out all about the latest Alumni News/success stories:
- please email us all your news so as to inspire the next cohort and show them what sorts of areas they could enter into after school
- tell us about any amazing feats of endurance
- sponsorship opportunities
- new /entrepreneurial business ventures
- if you have a book or a film out
This is the perfect platform to share your experiences with like-minded people who will support you!
- Purchase online tickets to any Alumni Events or reunions
- See all the past Photo Galleries – if you have photos of the school in your day please email them through to us to add to our archive!
- Obituaries – please let us know if a former TWGSB student or teacher has passed away – this is an area where we can leave fitting tributes to members of our community and remember them.
Please follow our TWGSB Alumni Connect Social Platforms for all the latest news:

Social Media Best Practice
Contact the Alumni Office:
Contact Ingrid Roberts, Marketing & Business Development Manager:
Signing up to TWGSB Connect
- Please click here to join the community: Home | TWGSB Connect
- Please only use a genuine personal email address (preferably not a work or university one as once you move on, we will then not be able to find you again to re-connect)
- The system already has all students on roll so if it matches you with correct details, click ‘yes this is me’
- If you don’t tick the email consent option (it’s a very occasional alumni news update you can opt out of) we are unable to email you ever again as the system then blocks you for GDPR purposes – please tick this consent option!
- Any queries please contact us
Careers Assistance
We have been delighted to welcome back former students who have supported our Sixth Form with careers talks and interview practice. Please do email us if you are willing to assist us with this annual event.
History and Archives
Click HERE for a history of the school crest. Alumni Association ties and School lapel pins featuring the school crest are available to purchase. Please email us for more information.
Do you have any information or photographs that you believe the Association might find interesting and useful? If so, please email us. Enjoy this great compilation of archive material in this short film of TWGSB students and teachers gone by: