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Destinations 2023

We offer a very comprehensive Future Pathways programme and it is with great pride that we are able to support our students in pursuing a diverse and exciting range of higher education courses, apprenticeships and career destinations. Hats off to the brilliant 2022–23 Cohort, their achievements are outstanding.

2023 destinations 2

This was a difficult year for university applications – the government and media had warned that far fewer students would achieve success in finding a university place, and that tens of thousands would be left disappointed. There was cap on the number of A*/A grades imposed by the Government  to return to pre-pandemic levels. This had a knock-on effect for all of our students. However, as a testament to the excellence, resilience and determination of our Year 13 students, who had endured a pandemic and lockdowns, and who had never had the opportunity to sit a formal public examination, just look at our destination information below! We certainly bucked the trend. Congratulations to all!

  • 46% gained places at Russell group universities (including Oxford, Imperial, Kings College)
  • 137 achieved their confirmed choice
  • 21 achieved their insurance choice
  • Every student who wished to go to university this year has found their place.

We are also delighted to see some of our students on apprenticeship programmes, taking a gap year, re-applying through UCAS or entering employment. We are also delighted to have supported 14 of our 2022 alumni to secure a place at university.

Provider name

Course placed – 2023 and 2024 entry

Aberystwyth University

Film and Television Studies (with integrated foundation year)

Arts University Bournemouth


Arts University Plymouth


Bangor University

Environmental Science (with Foundation Year)

Bath Spa University

Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Bath Spa University

Business and Management (Entrepreneurship)

Bath, University of

Politics and International Relations with professional placement or study abroad

Bath, University of

International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish) w study or work abroad

Bath, University of

Computer Science BSc with professional placement or study abroad

Bath, University of

Architecture with professional placement

Bath, University of

Natural Sciences BSc

BIMM University

Songwriting & Music Production

Birmingham, University of

English Literature and Film

Bournemouth University


Bournemouth University

Multimedia Sports Journalism

Bournemouth University

Media Production

Bournemouth University

Games Design

Bournemouth University

Games Software Engineering

Bournemouth University


Brighton, University of


Brighton, University of

Psychology and Criminology

Bristol, University of


Bristol, University of the West of England, (UWE)

Criminology with Psychology

Bristol, University of the West of England, (UWE)


Bristol, University of the West of England, (UWE)

Business and Events Management

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Sport and Exercise Science (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)

Cardiff University


Cardiff University

Human Geography and Planning

Cardiff University

Urban Planning and Development

Cardiff University

Computer Science (Year in Industry)

Durham University


Durham University

Mathematics (3 years)

East Anglia (UEA), University of

Mechanical Engineering

East Anglia (UEA), University of

Biological Sciences

East Anglia (UEA), University of


East Anglia (UEA), University of

Creative Writing and English Literature

East Anglia (UEA), University of


East Anglia (UEA), University of


Edinburgh, University of

Sport Management

Escape Studios, London

The Art of Video Games

Escape Studios, London

The Art of Visual Effects

Exeter, University of


Exeter, University of


Exeter, University of

Neuroscience with Professional Placement

Exeter, University of


Exeter, University of


Exeter, University of

Accounting and Finance

Exeter, University of

Exercise and Sport Sciences

Falmouth University

Business Management

Goldsmiths, University of London

Computer Science

Hertfordshire, University of

Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies

Imperial College London


Kent, University of

Accounting and Finance with a Foundation Year

King's College London, University of London

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

King's College London, University of London

Chemistry with Biomedicine with a Year's Professional Placement

King's College London, University of London

Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences

Kingston University

Biological Sciences with Foundation Year

Lancaster University


Leeds Beckett University

Sociology and Criminology

Leeds Beckett University

Marketing Management

Leeds Conservatoire

Music Production

Leeds, University of

Environment and Business

Leeds, University of

Biological Sciences

Leeds, University of


Leicester, University of

Computer Science (with a Year in Industry)

Leicester, University of

Criminology with Forensic Psychology

Leicester, University of

Physiotherapy with Foundation Year

Liverpool John Moores University

Sports Journalism

Liverpool John Moores University

Mechanical Engineering

Liverpool John Moores University

Business Management

Liverpool John Moores University

Business with International Business Management

Liverpool John Moores University

Sport Psychology

Liverpool, University of

International Business with a Year in Industry

Liverpool, University of

Geography (Science)

Liverpool, University of

Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Sciences

Liverpool, University of

Business Management

Liverpool, University of


Loughborough University

Product Design Engineering (with placement year)

Loughborough University


Loughborough University

Graphic Design (with placement year)

Loughborough University

Chemistry (with placement year)

Loughborough University

Business Economics and Finance (with placement year)

Loughborough University

Geography with Economics

Loughborough University

History and Politics

Loughborough University

Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with placement year)

Manchester, University of

English Literature

Manchester, University of

Management (International Business Economics)

Manchester, University of


Manchester, University of

Physics with Theoretical Physics

Manchester, University of

Ancient History

Manchester, University of

Film Studies and English Language

Newcastle University


Newcastle University


Newcastle University

English Language

Newcastle University

Naval Architecture

Newcastle University

Civil Engineering (4 years)

Newcastle University


Nottingham Trent University

Fashion Marketing and Branding

Nottingham Trent University

Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) FT

Nottingham Trent University

Product Design

Nottingham, University of

Geography with Business BA

Nottingham, University of

Industrial Economics

Nottingham, University of

Computer Science with Year in Industry

Nottingham, University of

Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Nottingham, University of

Spanish and International Media and Communications Studies

Nottingham, University of


Oxford Brookes University

Motorsport Technology

Oxford Brookes University

Built Environment Foundation

Oxford, University of

Law with Spanish Law

Oxford, University of


Plymouth, University of

Computer Science (Cyber Security)

Plymouth, University of

Biological Sciences with Foundation Year

Plymouth, University of

Mechanical Engineering

Portsmouth, University of

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Portsmouth, University of

Product Design and Innovation

Portsmouth, University of

Sport Management

Portsmouth, University of


Portsmouth, University of


Portsmouth, University of


Portsmouth, University of


Portsmouth, University of

Sport and Exercise Science

Ravensbourne University London

Digital Film Production

Reading, University of

Business and Management with Placement Year

Reading, University of

Economics and Finance

Reading, University of

International Development

Reading, University of

Business and Management with Placement Year

Salford, University of

Film Production

Sheffield, University of


Sheffield, University of


Solent University (Southampton)

Sports Journalism

Southampton, University of

Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics & Economics (MMORSE)

Southampton, University of

Environmental Science

Southampton, University of


Southampton, University of

Aeronautics and Astronautics / Spacecraft Engineering

Southampton, University of

Accounting and Finance with Placement

Southampton, University of


Southampton, University of


Southampton, University of

Fine Art

Stirling, University of

English Studies

Stirling, University of

Sport Psychology

Surrey, University of


Surrey, University of

Economics and Finance with Foundation Year

Surrey, University of

Economics and Finance

Sussex, University of

Law with Criminology

Sussex, University of

Business and Management Studies

Swansea University


Swansea University

Sport & Exercise Science with a Year Abroad

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

Music Performance (Jazz)

Warwick, University of

Media and Creative Industries

Warwick, University of


Warwick, University of

English Literature

Warwick, University of


Westminster, University of

Software Engineering

Winchester, University of

Popular Music: Production and Performance

Winchester, University of


Worcester, University of

Criminology with Forensic Psychology

York St John University

Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year

York, University of


York, University of

Economics and Econometrics