Key Stage 3 (KS3) covers Years 7, 8 and 9: the first three years of secondary school. Halfway through Year 9 students start looking at their GCSE Options and choose the subjects they want to study over the following two years in Years 10 and 11 for GCSEs.
Head of Year 9: Miss M PerséeAssistant Headteacher – KS 3: Mr D Millar
The Year 9 GCSE Options Evening is held annually in February (held 13th February 2025) and is a single event for all Year 9 parents and students, held at the Tunbridge Wells campus. The evening consists of a brief presentation to explain the GCSE options at TWGSB and the application process, and provides the chance to talk to teachers of core subjects and options subjects and learn about the GCSE courses.
For courses starting September 2025 Year 9 students need to submit their GCSE choices via the online form link sent to their school email address: deadline 28th February 2025. A copy of Mr Millar's evening presentation and the online options booklet and downloadable pdf are linked below.
GCSE Options Evening presentation
GCSE Options Handbook 2025 – online flipbook
GCSE Options Handbook 2025 – PDF version