UCAS 2024 Entry

This document will guide you through each stage of the online application. If you follow it carefully you should not make any mistakes, so please do so (making mistakes will hold up the process of your form being sent to UCAS). If you have any problems:

- Re-read this document carefully

- Check with your tutor

- Click the ?  and it will give you more details and help

- Check with Mrs Corp, Mr Hammond or Miss Merricks

- Ring the UCAS helpline on 0371 468 0 468


Getting Started

Stage 1:

- Go to: https://www.ucas.com/students

- Click on “Undergraduate”.

- Click on "Apply 2024 entry".

- Click "Register".

- Agree to the terms and conditions.

Stage 2:

- Fill in your personal details: name, address etc.

- Make sure the email address you give is a sensible one and one that you will check regularly. You can always give your school one and change it later.

- Choose whether you want UCAS to contact you with promotional/advice material and how. We would suggest you tick the top box to get updates on everything. 

- We strongly suggest that you request them to keep you updated with relevant courses (just in case you don’t meet the requirements of your offer they will be able to offer you lists of other suitable courses).

Stage 3:

- Choose a password. Make sure you write this down – I suggest you store it on your mobile phone and email it to yourself. (If you forget it we cannot help you!)

- Choose 4 security questions.

Stage 4:

- You will then be given your username – make a note of this (store it on your phone and email it to yourself…and maybe your parents too).

Stage 5:

- Click on "Log in Now".

- Select "Applying through my school/college".

- Enter the Buzzword: TWGSB2024

- You should then get a page that asks you to confirm the name of our school. Select "yes" if the details are correct.

- Select your tutor group from the drop down box (make sure you put yourself in the right group!) If you are applying as an external candidate (i.e. if you have already left school and are not in a tutor group now, select "Don’t know").

- You will now be given your personal number.

- I suggest at this stage that you save the password, the username and the personal number on your phone; also email them to yourself and open a word document and save them in that. Perhaps email this to your parents, too, or give them a hard copy.

- You can now view a short video about the application process, it is worth doing this just so you are clear on what the process entails.  

- You will now need to verify your email address. 


Start Completing the Form

If you are unsure about anything click the ? and it will give you more details and help.


Personal Details

Click on Personal Details on the left-hand side of the form.

- Some of the information will be populated already.

- Everything marked with a red star must be completed.

- Unique Learner Number – you do not have to add this.

Student Support

Fee code:

- Most of you will need to add "02 UK…" (lots of students make mistakes with this so check it carefully).

- If you are applying for an NHS-funded course or are 100% certain that you want no student finance you may need to click another box.

Student Support Arrangements

- Choose the county where you live (e.g. Kent/East Sussex).

Keeping You Informed

- You can update the details you have previously added if you wish.

Nominated Access

- If you do not complete this box no one apart from you will be able to liaise with UCAS or your universities on your behalf. I suggest that you enter the name of a parent or carer in this box so that they can act on your behalf if you are unavailable.

Disability/Special Needs

- Nothing you write in this section will in any way disadvantage your application – quite the opposite, it will ensure that you get the support you need in order to be successful!

- Click on See List and either enter "No disability" or enter details of any needs that you have.

- Once you have completed the section tick the "Section completed" box at the bottom and press "save".


Click on Choices on the left-hand side of the page:

- You may enter up to five universities or courses. You do not have to enter five. You do not need to put them into any order of preference. UCAS will put them in alphabetical order anyway (and each university will not see which other universities you have applied to).


- You will need to use the UCAS search tool to look up the course and campus code.

Start date:

- For the start date put September 2024 unless you are applying for deferred entry (i.e. if you are planning a gap year).

Point of entry:

- Leave this blank (unless you wish to be considered to start in the second year of the course etc.)



This is where students make most mistakes – follow these instructions closely. YOU MUST PROVIDE ACCURATE EXAM BOARD DETAILS AND GRADES, AND DECLARE ALL QUALIFICATIONS TAKEN.

Click on Education on the left-hand side of the page.

Add the school (or schools if you have attended somewhere else, too).

- Click "Add new school or college".

- Click on "Find" and enter the school (make sure you click on the Boys' not the Girls' Grammar!).

- Enter the year you started (the month will most likely be September).

- Put your finish date as July 2024.

- Click that you are full time and put "Yes" to receiving qualifications here.

Add qualifications:

Click "Add qualifications".


- Click GCSE (you can add other qualifications here, too, if you took them).

- Add the subject from the drop-down list.

- The qualification date will most likely be July 2022 (it may be different if you took some GCSEs early or are re-treading).

- Check the exam board on your Statement of Results and enter it.

- Add your grade.

- Click "Save and add similar" to add the rest of your GCSEs.

A Levels:

- Click "Add qualifications".

- Click "GCE Advanced level".

- Add the date: July 2024 (unless you have already taken the exam, i.e. completed an A Level independently or have left school already).

- For the grade add "pending" (unless you have already taken the exam, i.e. if you have already left school. If this is the case you should add the result for each module and the overall grade).

- There is no need to add the modules for the exams that you have not yet taken.

Highest level of qualifications:

- It asks you to state the highest level of qualification you have. Choose "Below honours degree level qualification".



- This section is self-explanatory.



- You have a maximum of 47 lines and 4,000 characters. Write it in Word or on Unifrog and then paste it in. 

- You should have done four or more drafts before pasting it in, and had feedback from your tutor and the most relevant subject teacher. Check it extremely carefully for spelling and punctuation errors. 

- Click "Preview" and check it very carefully before clicking "Save" (you can edit it later).


View All

- This allows you to view the whole form and check it all over carefully. I suggest you print it once you are happy and keep a copy for your records. You are also able to download a copy as a PDF.


Pay/Send (not required until September or October)

- Once you have completed the form, make your payment (£27.50).

- You cannot send the form straight to UCAS yourself.

- You then need to let your tutor know that you have completed your part and ask them to add their reference and your predicted grades.

- They will then print the whole form and will check it over with you and show you the reference.

- The printout will then be given to your Head of Year or a member of the Sixth Form Leadership Team who will check it again and then send it electronically to UCAS.

- Keep an eye on your emails at this point as if staff spot any mistakes they may email you about them and ask you to change them.

- You will receive an email from UCAS to say when they have received it.